Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009


Statement of Faith
We believe in the verbal,plenary inspiration of the Bible.
We believe in one God,Creator of all things eternally existing in three persons:Father,Son,and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ,His sacrificial death on the cross and shedding of His blood for our sins,His resurrection from the dead,and His ascension into heaven where He is now our High Priest and Advocate.
We belive in the total depravity of man and the sufficiency of Jesus's redemptive act to restore man to his right ralationship to God.
We believe in the eternal punishment in hell for the lost and the eternal bliss in heaven with the Lord for the saved.
We believe in the personal,pre-tirbulation,pre-millennial,and imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the eternal security of all believers.
We believe that God the Holy Spirit reproves the world of sin,righteousness,and judgment,regenerates sinners into children of God,and indwells every believer bestowing His gifts for the perfecting of the saints today as our Comforter.
We believe that the charismatic gifts(speaking in tongues and the working of sings and miracles) in the beginning days of the church were for the purpose of pointing to the authentication of the church and the apostles as revealers of divine truth,and were never intended to be characteristic of the lives of believers.
We believe that Christ is the head of the church and that the purpose of the church is to glorify God,to disciple and baptize all believers by immersion,to observe the Lord's Supper, and to advance the gospel to the entire world.


"Jesus is God and the Creator" 1Jn.1:8-10
New Translation-Jehovah Witness-And the Word was a god.(not God)
Trinity-God,Holy Spirit,Jesus Christ
Isai.7:14,Mt.1:21 Jesus means"He'll save His people from their sins."
Colos.2:5-9.2:9 Jesus has the fulness of God
Mt.1:23 "Immanuel" means "God is with us."
Isai.9:6 Wonderful,Mighty God,Everlasting,...
Jn.* I'm -whatever you need.
Jn.1:29-I'm the Lamb of God.
Jn.6:35-I'm the bread of life.
Jn.8:12-I'm the light of the world.
Jn.10:11-I'm the good shepherd.
Jn.10:7-9-I'm the door of the sheep,the door
Jn.11:25-I'm the resurrection and the life
Jn.14:6-I'm the way, the truth and the life.
Jesus proves "He is God by healing a paralytic man."
Jn.5:17-18,Rev.21:6"Alpha and Omega"
Jesus always says "I AM."
Exo.3:14 God told to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM."
Jesus said that He is God so the Pharisees and the scribes want to kill Him.
Jn.8:58 "I AM before Abraham."
Jn.8:23-24 "Jesus is the only Creator and the Lord and Saviour."
Paul said that "Jesus is the Saviour and the Lord."
1Tim.1:11 The glorious gospel of God-Jesus
1Tim.1:17 King of the kings, Lord of the lords

2Samuel.9:1-10 Beautiful story of David
Here, we see the beautiful story of King David and the son of Jonathan,Mephibosheth.King David is the 2nd king of Israel.
If you want to know clearly,read the whole chapter (2Samuel.9)
We can see 3 points of David's:
1.Faithful before God
2.Worshiper (worship God even where hard places)
3.He has soft hard
Friend,don't be laden to say "sorry." Say "forgive me" when you did mistake.
We can hear God's voice if we have soft heart. Like David,we must apologize to God if we do sin.
In this story,David typifies Christ.
Mephibosheth typifies us.
Friends, don't say that
-God cannot solve my problem.
-God doesn't love me/know my trouble.
Always know that
-God cares you.
-God make your future.
I think you'll know that God's love and feel His taking care.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

There are 260 verses in the New Testament(NT).We have found 234 times about"Hell and Judgement".But we see only one time about "Heaven." Friends,do u accept that there is really a "Hell".
For example, we have to go to a journey which has 260 miles.We really deviate from this road because we see the notice"Be ware,there is dangerous" along the journey.They warn us cos' the danger is in front of us.And we really face with danger as the road is dangerous.
Now we have some questions.
1.God create "Hell" for whom?
The answer is Mt.25:41 Prepared for Satan and his angels
Read the whole chapter of Genesis 1.
We know that God didn't create "Hell" for us.God created the universe except "Hell".But we must go to"Hell" for not obeying God's words,because of our sins.
We do sins so our destination is "Hell".
"For the wages of sin is death,"
Q.1:What is "Hell?"
>"Hell" is a place of eternal fire and punishment.
2Thes.1:9 "Everlasting destruction"
Mt.25:41 "Everlasting fire"
Mt.25:46"Everlasting punishment"
Mt.8:12"Outer darkness"
Rev.19:20"Lake of fire burning with brimstone"
Lk.16:23"Torments","Place of punishment"
"Hell" is really located. It's not for temporaray.That's why Jesus Christ preached about"Hell"more than "Heaven." He doesn't allow peopole to go to"Hell".Cos' He loves us somuch.
"Hell" is like
Mt.3:12 "Unquenchable fire"
Mt.5:22"But whoever says,You Fool! shall be in danger of hell fire."
Q:2.Is there really a "Hell" ?
>The Bible said,"there is a "Hell".
Q:3.Where is "Hell" located?
>We can see "Hell"is located under the ground in the Bible.(Num.16:20-33,Isai.14:9,Eze.32:37)
God didn't tell the exact place of "Hell" for we are not allowed to know it.(Mt.8:12,22:13,25:30,Jude.1:13)
Q:4."Hell" is prepared for whom?
1.Prepared for the devil and his angels(Mt.25:41)
2.The sinners,bad people(Rev.20:11-15)
3.For who do not obey the truth,but obey unrighteousness(Rom.2:8-9)
4.The angels who sinned(2Pet.2:4)
5.The beast and the false prophets(Rev.20:!9)
6.Who worship the beast(Rev.14:11)
Q:5.Is "Hell" Eternal Conscious Torment?
1.Most of Christians and Cults said that "Hell" isn't located and a place of eternal punishment.
2.Some said "Hell" is a place of temporary punishment and all people will get salvation in "Hell".
3.Most peopels' opinion is that God so love us.So,He doesn't allow us to live in "Hell" for ever.
Q:6.What the Lord Jesus taught us about"Hell"?
1.Prepared for Satan and his angels(Mt.25:41)
2.A place of unquenchable fire(Mt.9:43)
3.A place where sinners will weep and wail, gnash their teeth(Mt.13:42)
4.A place of outer darkness(Mt.25:30)
5.A place of judgement and damnation(Mt.23:33)
6.A place that is fixed(Lk.16:26)
7.The worm die not(Mk.9:44)
8.No fellowship,no freedom,no forgetting and no forgiveness(Lk.16:19-30)

Arguments against the teaching of a lateral "Hell"
1.Fire would consume. (Exo.3:2,Moses,Dan.3:19-27,Daniel's 3 friends)
2.It is incompatible with the love of God.(Rom.2:11)
3.Purgatory (Rev.20:!3)
4.Soul-sleeping or annihilation.(Mt.25:46,Jn.5:29)
5.Those who never heard the Gospel cannot be lost.(Rom.1:19-20)
Q:7.How long it will be?(duration)
Dimension of "Hell"
Prov.27:20 Hell and Destruction are never full.
Q:8.How many "Hell"are mentioned in the Bible?
1.Sheol-Hebrew-temporary place
2.Hades-Greek-temporary place
3.Tartaros-fallen Angels
4.Gehena-lake of fire(eternal hell)
Friens, are you sure for your eternal life? If you are not sure, you must decide and think it now. If or not, you will be late. The way to go to Heaven is believing Christ and accepting Him of your Savior. Christ died for your sins and all people' sins on the cross. You don't pay for it. It's a free gift ( salvation). God gave us His Son (Jesus Christ).
If you believe in Him, you will have eternal life.Now,pray and ask to God.
Let's see in "Heaven."

q:1.What is not heaven and what is heaven?
*Heaven is not
1.a fantasy
2.a dream
4.a myth or legend
5.some spiritual experience
*Heaven is
1.A real place occupied by real people.
2.The dwelling place of God the Father.
3.The interceeding place of God the Son.
4.The destiny of all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Q:2.How do the secular humanist say about heaven?
>The only heaven you will ever know is here and now the heaven you make for yourself.
Q:3.How many heaven are spoken of the Bible?
2.God place the sun,moon and stars
3.God's dwelling place
4Q:4.What direction heaven is?
1.It's up.(Acts.7:55,II Kings.2:11)
2.It is above.(Col.3:1,Jn.8:23)
Two verses of heaven is a prepared place.(Jn.14:2,Heb.11:6)


Monday, November 9, 2009

Firstly, I greet all of you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Friend, are you sad for yr future? Don't worry. Cos' we don't need to worry about for tomorrow. In the Bible said, don't worry for tomorrow. So,we don't need to worry.
Are you sure for yr life? I mean are u born again?
Now it's the grace period. It'll be sad if you are not born again now.
If you want to get salvation, pray humbly and ask to God.
